Friday, March 22, 2019

New Blog!

Well, here I am at last with my first blog post - nothing like coming late to the game! The main reason for doing this is to provide a place for me to display and share my various creative endeavors, primarily handmade (or rather "Fran-made") cards. But I might also on occasion post about a home DIY project or how my garden is growing, or something I'm sewing for the granddaughters. Who knows where this will take me? It will definitely be a work-in-progress until I can feel my way around this new format.     
I've been hanging around the fringes of card making blogs for several years. I enjoy participating in some of the many card challenges and I'm anticipating using this blog mostly for that purpose for the time being. I have no idea how often I'll be posting - I don't want to place too much pressure on myself. As soon as I figure out how to do all of this I'll put together a gallery of some of my favorite cards that are already on Flicker:

Anyone who finds his/her way here is welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Fran, Congrats on jumping on the blog wagon! I fell in love with your butterfly card so I thought I would drop you another message about a challenge blog called . I would love if you would join us when you get the chance! Happy Stamping!
