Monday, July 20, 2020


Today's post comes to you courtesy of 2 card challenges and after an absence of more than 3 months. I've thought about how I could have gone this long without even making a single card (except the 4th of July card I sent to friends and family, which alas I didn't photograph), but you have to admit that these are not exactly normal times! My husband teaches school and the last 2 months of his school year classes were conducted online from our dining room table. The 2 international students we were hosting were moved back to the dorm so that they could go into isolation in response to parents' concerns. We had a family medical emergency (our son is doing well now), and in the middle of all of these other fast-moving lifestyle changes we embarked on a remodel of our master bathroom shower, which has turned into the proverbial money pit. I plan to post before and after photos when everything has been pulled back together. 

But today here I am finally dusting off the card-making tools and seeing if I still have my design chops! My niece's daughter graduated from college this summer and I'm finally getting around to letting her know how proud I am of her. 

       WHOOPS! The FMS 444 challenge was already closed. I'll try to catch it next time.                


1 comment:

  1. What a delightful card! That bird is the cutest! So glad to have you joining in the challenge at CTD! P.S. Good luck with the reno! I had a challenging bedroom redo while taking chemo therapy about 2 years ago. That was a challenge but it kept my mind occupied on fun things like shopping online - lol!
