Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 I do volunteer work for an organization (Northwest Seasonal Workers Association) that provides emergency food and clothing, medical and dental help, and legal advocacy services for the county's seasonal workers. Seasonal workers are described as anyone whose work is seasonal in nature - agriculture, fire-fighting, and hospitality. In addition to their work being seasonal, the seasonal worker is also our lowest-paid wage earner. Our organization is made up completely of volunteers and it's structured as a self-help vehicle. IOW, if a member asks for assistance, they're expected to spend time volunteering in exchange for that help. However, we never turn away requests for food if someone stops by our office who is hungry. Given the current state of affairs in this country, our organization has been exceptionally busy distributing food and legal advice and assisting with wage-theft and illegal evictions.  

Off the soapbox! Our supporters have been particularly generous this past 6 months and I've been turning out cards for special, more personal thank you notes. I used this week's CAS(E) this Sketch #388 as a jumping-off point for the cards.

One of the ways our group raises funds is through sales of annual calendars produced and provided to us free-of-charge from the National Labor Federation. These calendars are filled with beautiful illustrations by professional artists. Last year's calendar had a poster insert that I've been using to make envelopes for our cards. The die-cut flower stems (Sizzix Thinlits - Jim Holtz) are cut from the scraps left after using what's needed for the envelope.

Each of these cards will be unique as I run out of a particular color of ribbon or use scraps in my own stash. I have to turn out 40 of these!


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